Why I am not Neo

I just played a first person shooting game. I came across its website, download it and played on several servers set up by users. It was not new for this kind of games. I guess there are hundreds of first shooting games like this all over the Internet. So the name of the game is not important. It’s just the virtual world experience important. I logged on one server which has not only human players, but also bot players. You know what, these bots are so fast, that you can’t catch them at all. They are always chasing you and picking up the nearby weapons.

It just reminds me of one of my favorite movie, The Matrix. It’s just like you are in a world that software are human shaped, you are your-digital-self. How is it possible to fight against a piece of code that is designed to play with you, or kill you in its world I should say. I always imagine myself as Neo in the movie and used to set the screen saver to be those falling characters shamelessly. Apparently I’m not, unless I know the bug of the code and find a way to hack it somehow. Human beings have defects. That are why there are bugs in the software designed by human. If we think about it further that the code is designed by code, then it’s really hard to imagine what will happen if the story of Matrix comes true. How are we gonna win in the machine’s world? A world designed by machines, where the designer machines were designed their parent machines and so on?

Fortunately these haven’t come true yet. It requires hard mathematical proves to show a code designing its child code is possible. For now, it only proves that Neo is not human being in the film. That’s my understanding of the story, that Neo is actually another piece of code to balance the machine world. That gives us the new hope. We are not fast; we are not accurate. How are we going to fight against those bots in the game? One thing and the only thing we can do to win the game, is to design another bot using the so called SDK. We can make it with more robust algorithms, so it’s even faster than the enemies. Hey, we are human, we are famous of making tools, to compensate what we are naturally lacking of.

Actually this is already happening. Think about computer virus and anti-virus software. How are we supposed read the binaries byte by byte to find out which one is bad? Of course not. I am less worry now, even I am not Neo. Here comes my favorite picture of the movie.


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